Tuesday, March 09, 2010

bLoG BaCkgRoUnDs

Dear DiarY PinOkoo,

Jom ambil blOg punya backgrounds dr rara ^^


1. Copy all the code in the box below by hi-lighting it and
pressing "CTRL and C" at the same time

2. Log in to your blogger blog.

3. Click on "Customise" to take you to the, "Add and Arrange Page Elements" page.

4. Click on "Add Gadget" scroll down to "HTML/JavaScript" and click on the blue "+" sign.

5. Paste the above code in the Contents
box using "CTRL and V".
(You can leave the Title box blank.)

6. Click "Save".


1. Copy all the code in the box below by hi-lighting it and
pressing "CTRL and C" at the same time.

2. Log in to your blogger blog.

3. Click on "Customise" to take you to the, "Add and Arrange Page Elements" page.

4. Click on "Add Gadget" scroll down to "HTML/JavaScript" and click on the blue "+" sign.

5. Paste the above code in the Contents
box using "CTRL and V".
(You can leave the Title box blank.)

6. Click "Save".

Monday, March 08, 2010

SweeT TraNinG (^^,)

Dear DiarY PinokOo,

Time nie first time ak tranng kat JKR
nie ak punya supervisor...
name pun ak dah letak...
kirenyer mase traning nie..bnyk la..yg aku dpt
pahit manis
perangi org nie..
mcm2 aku jumpa...
kire ok la
lg 1 mggu g aku dah nk blah dah...hahhaha
serabut dah otak...

nie..ku siti naziera..name sm gak ngan aku..nk tiru gak namer aku..
just call anis..
lari jauh dr name sebenar..
budak nie..
muda setahun dr aku..
blh kata bnyk2 trainer kat JKR tue..aku blh ngamngam ngan anis

AliCe iN WonDeRLanD

Dear DiarY PinOkOo,
Rara nk promote cikit^^

Jom ramai2 serbu pawagan berdekatan..
best punya citer!!