Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HaRi PertaMa MasuK kerJa

muka ak yg kebosanan

depn meja ak ade cermin kecik

guru bertudung hijau-->hodoh

tgh tgok jadual tuk esok

surat dr ppd bg menggantikan guru yg cuti bersalin

jadual waktu

assalamualaikum semua para pengunjung blog ak yg ciutmiut nie.. emm.. ak xtau lah nk post entry aper arie nie.. ak rse bk ak post entry cite pasal hari pertama msuk kerja.. gini sebenarnyer.. semalam pa ak balik dr kerja.. msuk2 jer umah.. d terus pggl ak n ckp esok msuk kerja.. ak dah fhm dah arahan pa ak tue.. cam ner nk gtau..msud nyer ak dah fhm kerja aper yg dimaksudkan oleh pa ak.. sebelum p perlis arie tue ak ade beritahu.. cr kan job tuk ak.. sbb ak akan cuti sem selama 2 bulan.. duk umah t xbuat pape.. mkn tdrlah keja nyer.. so mau lah keja.. mula2 sebulan cuti duk umah memg xbest.. tp kan lme2.. best plak.. blh tdur lewak.. blh bngun lewakk.. owg kte syok lah.. hidup macm kerang bucuk cam nie.. bosan tue memg bosan yg teramat giler.. tp rela duk umah dr p kerja.. kan3.. =).. sebenarnyer nk kerja.. sbb duk umah membosankan n mengemuk kan diri lg delah.. so bk kerja.. tp yg plg ak benci++mals kan benci lah.. iaitu bgun awal.. kul 6 memg dah kena bngun mandi.. semayng.. gosok bj..++ @#%^&... semua2 lah.. memg ak tau bgus bngun awal nie.. tp normalkan kalu name nyer stdent tambh2 lg jantina lelaki.. memg konpem bngun lewak.. betul kan.. jgn tp ak lah.. ak pom student.. puan pom de jugak 2kali5 ngan laki.. lebh dasyak dr laki pom ader.. cuma dak2 nie xtunjuk jer.. tambh2 kalu depan makwe pakwe.. semua tunjuk maco n ayu.. tergelam semua perangai yg monyek2 tue.. hahhaha... termasuk ak sendiri.. tp ak rse ayu2 tue xmain k.. ak main rembat jer ak nyer balak.. tlg r.. meluat k.. kalu control ayu2.. nie.. klu dah asli tue xperlah.. xkisah.. memg sejak lahirkan.. alallaal~~ ^^V so ak mau ckp jugak n tegaskan memg kalu spe2 student kalu time xde kelas or cuti tue.. memg bahagia yg amat sbb esok boleh bngun lewak.. n boleh tdur lewak.. n plg penting boleh p tgok wayang n meng dating kan diri dengan makwepakwe msg2.. owg kte kesempatan yg xkan ku lepskan.. hahhah.. ohh.. dah terlajak.. msuk balik topik kiter.. sebenarnyer ak dpt kerja ganti guru yg bersalin.. so ak de can r jd guru yg olok2 biar pom bukan ade kelulusan dr maktab perguran pom.. yg ak buru adelah duit gaji.. blh tuk tanpom coping ak tuk bulan nie.. sempt lg.. tp memg pom.. xke gtue.. adik2 manis n kak2 semua.. klu dpt gaji.. expecely gj first memg coping lah yg pertama dulu.. kan3.. ak dpt jd guru kat SEKOLAH RENDAH HAMZAH 2.. tempt dye area pekan mace nie jugak.. emm.. jark dr umah lbh kurang 4 kilo metr.. kalu tolok dr umah 7.20 pg.. 7.27pg smpi ar kat sek tue.. tue pom klu xde halangan kat lebuh rye kg.kemuning ngan pekan mace.. kih3.. mcm de haiway plak kt kanpom kemuning tue?? hahaha =) emm.. ari pertma kat sekolah.. emm.. ok.. sebenar ak segan malu lg.. sbb sebelum nie ak pnh jd guru ganti kat sekolah nie.. tue yg segan.. sbb warga2 tua kat cini dah kenal ak.. dulu first time ak kerja ngan titik peluh ak sendiri.. nie kire second rrr ak kerja.. ak xkisah kalu kerja kat sekolah lain.. kalu blh mau sekolah yg xkenal lg ak.. kalu kat sek nie.. dah kenal kan.. n yg pntg ak lebh rela kerja kt sek luar bandar dr sek bandar sbb nyer cikgu sek bandar belagak.. cyer lah.. dulu i mean thun lepas ader 2 sekolh ak kerja 1 sek nie 1 lg sek kat luar bandar.. memg beza giler cr hidup dye.. cikgu2 kat luar bndr ramah n mesra lg.. kt sek bndr nie. em.. ntah la... tue yg buat ak xsemagat sngt nk dtg cini.. kalu sek lain.. memg ak pergi ngan atie yg hepy.. sek nie.. huh.. xbape nk iklas plak ak dtg.. tp bile tgk budak come budak2 giler gtue.. hlg cikit ak punyer tekanan.. ak rela ade kelas dr teperap kat pejabt.. bukan de owg tegur pom.. iklas kan ak ckp.. cikgu2 nie .. bukan matag sngt pom.. ade yg lbh kurang mcm budak2.. ngan budak pom nk cr gaduh.. tp kan yg plg terasa ari nie.. tak tau lan tino sowg nie cikgu jugak.. pki tudung ijau.. delah 2 3 owg cikgu ckp2 kat meja dye.. smbil ckp tue cikgu tu duk jeling2 ak.. woi ingt ak x nampk ker.. cuba pikir aper maksud .. ckp syap2 pastu jeling tgk ak.. mengupat lah tue.. kalu yer pom nk ngupak ak.. jgn lah pndg2 cam tue.. buat owg syak jer.. BODOH punyer cikgu.. kalu cantik xkisah.. nie muka haram HODOH nk mampus.. mujur ak duk senyap jer.. kalu ak ty *aper mu tgok2 kaku*** nk kena r cikgu tue.. nk kte tua xtua.. kire muda lah.. tp membuatkan ak syak nape lah betina nie tgok ak.. ak repot kat bapak ak br tau.. nnti padm muko mu kena serang.. kan dah geram smpi kuar bhase kelantan... huuh... tenang nazirah.. tenag.. mybe dugaan ari pertama kau.. pergi mampos lah.. yg pntg ak dpt gaji.. HAHAH.. yg plg megepykan ak.. (">) biler ak tgk budak2 nie.. terdetik lam ati ak.. emm.. budak sekarg nie.. mcm lbh cept pandai n cept matang.. semua subjek tau.. emm.. tb2 jer sk rse.. ak nie perangi x matg.. mcm budak lah... umur dah 21 blh jd mak owg.. umur 24 konpem kena kawin.. wajib x sunat dah.. kau nk ker jd ank dr tue cik pinokoo??.. huhhuhu.. xmau.. tpkan.. best tau.. hidup sowg2.. best.. blh buat aper sjer.. tp bile pikir cre matag.. bk berpasangan.. kan tuhan dah tentukan.. so ati ak mau ak berubah.. tlg lah berubah nazierah.. tlg lah @#$%^^... kau tue dah besar.. jgn ulangi kesilapan yg bodoh2 .. xkisah xmatg yg pentg bijak lam membuat sesuatu.. fikir kesan bk buruk.. kan3.. (perasaan sebak).. pinokoo kan budak comel pandai.. mesti pinokoo dpt atasi.. n plg entg biarkan esok bercaye lam hidup pinokoo mcm wana pelangi.. jgn sekali biarkan warna gelab lam diri pinokoo.. oke.. jnji.. ngan cik blog???.. oke.. tanxxxx.. muaahhhxxx.. ak mau ubah diri ku.. doakan ku.. ak xmau sdih2.. ak mau hdup ak hepyy jer.. mau senyum jerrr... oke lah emm.. pnjg dah entry ak.. mau cau dulu.. cyg my blog diariess.. muahh.. daaa.. =)

p/s:cik pinokoo ecok pg kerja ngan hepy2 tau.. jgn cedih2.. cik blog pasti pinokoo boleh atasi segale nyer.. jgn bosan2 kalu time xde kelas.. bce lah novel.. isi mse mu dngn perkare berfaedah oke... abaikan persekitaran mu yg tidak sihat.. abaikan cikgu bodoh yg come lote tue.. mybe d xmatang lg tue.. kan3.. mybe d jels tue sbb kau comel ari nie.. eh.. nk tau x.. mse duk ngaja td delah sorg murid nie tye ak.. cikgu nie keluarga owg putih ker.. ??? tegamam ak budak tue tye cam tue.. ak tye lah npe tye cam tue.. budak tue jwp.. sbb cikgu putih.. huhuhu.. yerker..lalala...suke22... ab ak rse kulit ku hitm.. blh bg 1 coklat kat adik.. xpom naikan 1markah lam ujian nanti.. wah.. guru yg mudah dibodek..hahhahaha..

Monday, May 17, 2010

mY neW Upe DekSTooP

Dear DiarY PinOkoO,

nie muka br dekstoop ak.. sebelum nie ak letak tema oren skrg ubah jd tema pink.. pinokoo memg pinkiss .. lub new muka dekstoop =)

SeLamaT ariE GurU ++ piNkieSs 16mei2010

Dear DiarY PinOkOo,

askum cemua.. sebelum ak merapu dengn lbh panjg ak mau wish lah kan kpd guru2 1 malaysia termasuk papa ku.. sempena 16mei nie.. SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI GURU.. hope u all kurangkan dera budak2 nakal.. bnyk kan bersabar.. kalu xmau tekanan jgn susah2kan diri jd cikgu.. oke.. budak2 nie kena di ajar elok2 jgn pukul smpi lebam2.. pukul tue boleh tuk memberi amaran.. tp biar berpada2.. pde murid2 plak.. dngrlah kte2 cikgu mu.. jgn nakal2.. sian cikgu kiter belajr sungguh semta2 berkorban tuk jd cikgu tuk mendidik kiter supaye lebh berguna.. ingt jge guru2 mu.. n guru2 plak ak mau bilang sme kamu jgnlah memilih ksh antara murid yg cerdik ngan x cerdik... sian yg xcerdik.. sentiasa terabai.. kalu mau suh jd pengawas.. suh msuk pertandingan mesti budak2 cerdik yg terpilih dahulu.. sian.. dia owg pun de perasaan.. dia owg sentiasa memerhati gerak-geri mu wahai guru2. oke ..lah sebelum ak tutup pasal kish guru nie.. ak mau wish lah pde guru2 dyg berjasa besar pdeku iaitu--> taski#$%@ (xingt nme area machang),t adika kemuning, hamzah 1, n lecurer pom guru jugakkan.. k pde guru2 d unimap ..pde guru2yg mnegajar motor n keta ku.. guru2 tusyen anggun n ibnu sinar n bla3.. xingt dah.. tue jer yg aku ingt..HEHE3 sory... oPpss ak mau beritahu ak pom sempat menjadi guru seketika semasa cuti sem sempat jugak lah lam 2 bulan kot.. n ari first ak msuk berkerja sbgai guru tue adalah perhimpunan kat 2 smbut ari 16mei2009 .. cye x?? cye lah.. semua guru dpt adiah .. ak sowg jer xdpt sewaktu perhimpunan n adelah smbutan arie guru tue.. pastu delah budak tue bg ak sekuntun bunga ros.. xcye plak.. terharu ak.. first time dapt adiah.. tanks dik.. opSS . tecacaul... murid2.. lalalala=) n 16mei2010 ak p KB sje2 jln2.. yg pentg pki bj pink oke.. hehehe.. xlepas.. waktu duk jgn2 tue beli lah benda yg x patut beli ngan alasan persediaan awal nk masuk kolej.. pdehal lg 2 bulan lg msuk u.. emm.. tue lah.. alasan.. pdehal xmau lepas yg calor pink.. mcm2 lah ak niee.. plak tue harga murah semua tue RM10.80 sen jer.. so spu semua.. hehehe$%^&%@

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cik PinOKoo VeRsi BiRuu

Dear DiaRy PinokOo,

Cik PinOkoo Versi BirUee
puji dr sendiri lak!!!
Tp memg pom.. kAn3
namPk menyerLAh gtue...


p/s:gmbr nie ak ambil sewaktu p melawak baby baru aitu mohd afiq naufal kebetulan mse p tue baby pom pki bj biru sedondong ngan su d.. kih3.. tarikh:15mei2010

5s BiLik Cik PinOkoo

Dear DiaRy PinOkOo,

BiLik Cik PInOkoo


My TedDy vs pINkiESs

..Rak BUkU..

Meja Cik PinoKOO

ari nie ku buat aktiviti 5s di bilik ku di umah ku yg betul2 bukan d KKF.. jgn tertukar plk.. tkan kau owg ckp.. ak bnyk bilik plak.. HEHEHE .. sebelum tue ak mau beritahu aper tue 5s.. 5s nie asal dr bahase jepun.. tp lam bahase melayu pom ade.. tp yg pasti konsep d untk kebersihan n mengubah persekitaran kita supaya nampk lebh cantik n selesa.. cm tue r konsep d kot yg ak fhmm.. so gmbr sebelum bilik ku ak x ambik .. tkot kau owg tekejut smpi pengsang.. HAHAHA.. nie gmbr selepas aktiviti 5s dibilik ku.. yg pasti semua nie mambuatkan ku selesa.. n mau teperak 24 jam kat bilik nie.. HAHAHA>

Friday, May 14, 2010

JLn2 di JKR Machang-->6mei2010

Dear DiarY PinokOo,

arie nie bosan sngt.. ak ingtkan keta viva a.k.a toyota vios xde kat umah.. sbb biasenyer pa ak gna keta tue tempat keja.. so aku pun relek2 jap smbil tgk cite MUTIARA tv9 lepas hbs tue tgk luar pastu ternamapk 2 2 keta ade viva n citra.. oo. br ak ingt pa n ma aku xde sbb arie nie dia owg p istana lama kb.. pa ak dpt anugerah aper tah.. so dye owg p ngan driver.. hehehe... so de peluang lah nk keluar ari nie... first pikir2 mau pjkr lah.. so ak cepat2 mandi n pki bj kurung sbb nk p jkr ak mau p ambil sijil traning ak.. patu mau bg amanat unimap suh bg cenderamata u pade supervisor.. pentg tue.. sbb dah lme dah x p sner lepas balik dr perlis .. sibuk memanjang.. keta xde.. ak xreti sngt nk bawak keta citra.. so alang2 der keta nie.. mau p TM rr smbil2 tue.. smpi jer cabag 4 haiway (500m sebelum smpi jabat) ak call maria ak ckp ak mau p jkr.. kot2 d mau p tm jugak ker.. leh ajak.. lg ramai lg seronok...kan =) upa2nyer d ckp d dah der pejabat br jer smpi.. ler ye ke?? xjanji pom.. so tb jer kat JKR mula2 tue yg plg pentg bergambr ngan en. ayob dulu sbb nk bukti yg ak boleh sijil tue.. hahhaa.. gmbr nyer gmbr ak ajak lah anis n maria p TM.. sjer jln2 tgk2. bukan nk beli paper pom.. tp tujuan ak ajat nk p tgk novel.. sbb novel yg dijual d tM lebh murah dr machang.. yer ker? ak rse2 jerlah.. tp xsempt lah nk raun 1 bandr tm sbb kena antr anis balik kat jkr sebelum 4.30ptg.. tp yg sweet nyer tepat 4.30ptg betul2 smpi kat jkr.. handalkan aku mandu..hehehe.. tanz to anis sbb blnaj kite owg kakak2 nie makan.. anis plg muda sekali n maria plg tua sekali..KAH3.. ak rse ari tue mari aplg kuat sekali coping2 not me.. semua tempat yg kiter owg singgah mesti d berbeli nyer.. aduilah.. dah la p pasar tm.. ingtkan xde ker benda maknenek tue kat pasar machang hah??

How TO Train UR darGon

Dear DiaRy PinOkOo,

A Viking boy called Hiccup introduces his village of Berk ("it's been here for seven generations, but every single building is new"). The village is attacked by dragons, who steal food (mostly sheep) and set things on fire (hence all the new buildings). The villagers grab weapons and try to fight the dragons off. Despite being told by every adult in sight to go indoors, Hiccup hauls out a bolas-shooting cannon he Align Centermade himself and shoots a dragon out of the night sky. (As assistant to the village blacksmith, Gobber Hiccup has access to tools and materials and knows how to use them.) The dragon lands in the woods some distance form the village and no one believes that he hit anything, so it's the next day before Hiccup can go looking for it. It turns out to be a rare and deadly Night Fury, but Hiccup can't make himself kill it. Instead he releases it -- whereupon it also refrains from killing Hiccup -- and it flies off through the trees.

Hiccup discovers that the dragon (which he eventually calls Toothless because of its retractable teeth) has holed up in a steep-sided valley because it can no longer fly more than a few feet at a time. While sketching the dragon, Hiccup realizes that it's missing a tail fin. He makes a prosthetic tail fin out of leather. The new fin helps, but Toothless can't control it and inadvertently takes Hiccup for a ride, giving him a clear idea of what's needed to help the dragon fly right. In a series of workshop and test flight scenes, Hiccup builds and perfects a saddle, a control mechanism for the tail fin, and a safety harness.

Meanwhile, Hiccup's father Stoick (voice: Gerard Butler) has signed him up for dragon training with Gobber, which is very different from the training he's already doing with Toothless: he's going to learn to fight dragons. At first, he's the worst student in the class. Since Hiccup has always been an accident-prone klutz, this comes as no surprise to his classmates Astrid (voice: America Ferrera), Snotlout (voice: Jonah Hill), Fishlegs (voice: Christopher Mintz-Plasse), Ruffnut (voice: Kristen Wiig), and her twin brother Tuffnut (voice: T.J. Miller). (Hiccup's a little sweet on Astrid.) Before long, Hiccup is able to use some things he's learned while working with Toothless to soothe and manage the school's practice dragons. (It turns out dragons are just big kitty-cats: they like to be petted, there's a kind of grass that's like cat-nip to them, and they love fish (but hate eels).) When Stoick returns from a failed search for the fabled nest of the dragons, he's surprised but thrilled to hear that his son is doing brilliantly at dragon training. He gives Hiccup a horned helmet made from one of his dead mother's breastplates. But Hiccup, as usual, is unable to get around his father's expectations and speak frankly, so he can't explain that his success at dragon school is unlikely to lead to the slaying of any dragons.

When Hiccup subdues a practice dragon, unintentionally earning the privilege of killing it before the entire village, he's horrified and decides to flee with Toothless. However Astrid, having noticed Hiccup's frequent disappearances and secretive behavior, is suspicious. She follows him to the hidden valley and sees Toothless. Unable to explain his relationship with the dragon, Hiccup takes her flying, and she's captivated. But they get caught up in a flock of dragons returning to their nest carrying food. The dragons fly inside a mountainous island and drop the food into a pit, which turns out to contain a huge, terrifying, and very hungry dragon that eats the smaller ones if they don't bring it enough food. Hiccup and Astrid and shocked to realize that the dragons have been stealing their sheep to keep from being eaten themselves. When they get home, Hiccup convinces Astrid not to reveal the location of the dragon nest. Before she goes, she punches him in the arm and says "That's for kidnapping me." Then she kisses him and says "That's for everything else."

Everything goes wrong at the dragon-killing ceremony. Hiccup discards his weapons in an attempt to show the Vikings that dragons only fight to defend themselves, but Stoick and others intervene and the dragon attacks. Toothless comes to the rescue and is on the verge of killing Stoick when Hiccup calls Toothless off. Despite Hiccup's protests, the angry Vikings chain Toothless up. When he ineptly tries to explain, Hiccup lets it slip that Toothless took him to the nest of the dragons, and Stoick resolves to use Toothless to find the nest again. He won't listen to Hiccup's warnings about the giant dragon. He loads Toothless on his ship and the Viking fleet sails off with all the warriors in the village, disowning Hiccup and leaving him behind. When Hiccup wonders aloud why he didn't kill Toothless when he had the chance since it would have avoided all of this, Astrid challenges him to explain why. In doing so, Hiccup comes to an epiphany about his moral character, his personal strength and Astrid's faith in him. Inspired, Hiccup and his classmates mount the practice dragons and fly off in pursuit of the fleet.

At the dragons' island, the Vikings use catapults to break open the side of the mountain in which the giant dragon is trapped. When it comes out, Stoick realizes that he's made a mistake. He resolves to fight it himself to buy the other Vikings time to escape; Gobber volunteers to join him. While Stoick and Gobber prepare to sacrifice themselves to distract the dragon, the kids arrive to join the battle. They do manage to distract the giant dragon a little, but it sets the Vikings' ships on fire. While his comrades keep the giant dragon occupied, Hiccup tries to rescue Toothless (who's still in chains) from the burning ship, but they end up under water and Stoick rescues both of them. Then Toothless and Hiccup go after the giant dragon together. They draw it up into the clouds and away from the Vikings, trying to get it to crash on the island. In the end Toothless releases a blast into the giant dragon's open mouth and it crashes and burns, apparently taking our heroes down with it -- we see Hiccup fall toward the fire as Toothless tries desperately to catch him. On the ground, a heartbroken Stoick approaches the wounded Toothless wondering what has become of his son; Toothless opens his wings to show that he saved Hiccup. ("Well, most of him," Gobber remarks cryptically.)

Back at home, Hiccup wakes up and Toothless urges him out of bed. Hiccup finds that he lost his left foot in the battle with the giant dragon. However, Gobber has made him a new one, ingeniously spring-loaded. (Hiccup and Toothless now have matching disabilities.) They go out into the village, which is full of swooping, frolicking dragons; the Vikings now treat them as pets. Astrid greets Hiccup with a kiss. Supplied by Gobber with a new tail fin prosthetic and saddle for Toothless, Hiccup takes flight with Astrid and his friends as he exults at the new alliance of Vikings and Dragons.